Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is the conference available online?

    Absolutely! We offer both in-person and digital tickets, so you can choose the experience that best suits you. All plenary keynotes and panels will be streamed live on our platform, allowing you to enjoy the full conference experience whether you're attending in NYC or watching from home.

  • Is this conference accessible?

    Yes! The venue is fully accessible for wheelchair users. Live ASL interpretation will be provided for all main stage events, and assistive listening devices are available upon request.

  • Are there scholarships available?

    Yes! We are offering a voluntary ticket model where people can elect to pay extra so others can go for free. And we have additional donors willing to help people join. If you want to come, but can’t afford a ticket, email us at

  • Is this a Christian conference?

    Middle Church is a Christian institution, and our faith informs our values. However, the conference content is justice-focused, and there are always many attendees from different faiths, as well as atheist and agnostic people. We design our conferences without any Christian evangelism, and to engage all people who desire a better world.

  • Will there be food?

    To keep the conference affordable, we are not providing any meals. We will provide coffee, water, and snacks throughout the conference, and there are many nearby restaurants for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

  • Will there be childcare?

    Yes! We are currently in the midst of planning childcare coverage! In order to ensure we have enough care providers available, if you want or need childcare, please email so our programming staff can follow up with you.

  • What should I do with my bags?

    All bags will be thoroughly checked at the door, for safety. So if you’re able to drop your bags where you’re staying and just bring a small purse or backpack, that’s easier! If, however, you need to come directly from the airport, we will gladly check the bag and put it in a room for storage until the end of the day.

  • What happens to the proceeds from the conference?

    The ticket sales from the conference fund Freedom Rising Programs, as we transition the Middle Project to Freedom Rising.

  • Where should I stay?

    There are many hotels, but we have confirmed a discounted rate at The Evelyn, located at 7 East 27th Street, New York City, New York, United States, 10016. Click here to make reservations.

  • What is the refund policy?

    We offer refunds up to 1 week before the conference date. If you are interested in refunding your ticket please contact

About Middle Church

Middle Church is where therapy meets Broadway; where art and dance meet a gospel revival; where old time religion gets a new twist. We are Bach, The Beatles, and Beethoven; we are jazz, hip-hop, and spirituals. We are inspired by Howard Thurman, Ruby Sales, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Martin Luther King. We are on-your-feet worship and take-it-to-the-streets activism. We feed the hungry and work for a living wage; we fight for LGBTQ+ equality and march for racial/ethnic justice. We stand up for the stranger and the immigrant; we care for women’s lives and Mother Earth.

Middle Church is a multicultural, multiethnic, intergenerational movement of Spirit and justice, powered by fierce, revolutionary Love, with room for all. Following in the Way of Jesus’ radical love, and inspired by the prophets, Middle Church is called by God to do a bold new thing on the earth. We aim to heal souls and the world by dismantling racist, classist, sexist, ethnocentrist, ableist, cisheterosexist and other systems of oppression.

Because our God is still speaking in many languages, we work in interreligious partnerships to uproot injustice, eradicate poverty, care for the brokenhearted, nurture our planet, and build the Reign of God on earth. This activism is fueled by our faith; our faith is expressed in art; our art is an active prayer connecting us with the Holy Spirit. Middle Church affirms the transformative power of moral imagination, reclaiming and reframing Christianity inside our walls, on the street, and in virtual spaces around the globe.